I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Thirteen Billy reaches an Infirmary


 Prison Guards attack inmates who tried to take over a Cell house. Two Guards carry Billy Seals to an infirmary before he bled to death on the concrete ground, on the main floor. Guards Threaten three inmates that attacked him used bodily harm if they did not drop their shanks.

An internal investigation is in order for both inmates responsible and Prison Guards that allow them to roam the Prison. Billy is rushed into the infirmary after he is found on the ground, bleeding. Captain Montgomery is the Commanding Officer in Cell House B. He ordered an internal investigation on Cell House Guards that might be responsible. Take these three inmates to another Cell block and place them in a hole until I order them, otherwise.

He started to mumble when I die if I die. I want to be a Guardian. I want to serve Humans. Humans that deserve it. What is he trying to say Doctor? I cannot make out a word Officer? They roll him away on a steel stretcher to an infirmary to be looked at. Can you hear me kid one Doctor yells? I think he is in a coma or he is going into a trance. Maybe he is even unconscious. I think we better stop the bleeding first or we might lose him, altogether. He is a convicted prisoner. I’m sure no one will miss him and if they did. It will not be for long. One Doctor looked at the other this is no way to look at Patients. I do not ever want to hear that attitude again. If I do, I will report you Doctor. Do I make myself clear? I don't think we're going to get along Doctor.

 Why don't you keep your thoughts to yourself and me, mine! As you wish Doctor. He placed a needle in his arm. Connected a bottle of clear solution to that same IV before he turned to a Nurse. I need an EKG reading. I want you to keep track of his heart rate. I need clean bandages and some gauze. Go get me some right now! What is going on around here? I do not have anything in its proper place. Where is my Nurse! I need my regular Nurse or this kid is going to die! I think she has the day off Doctor. He grew upset with the news after he heard that. He stitched the kid up himself without the help of a Nurse. When she tried to intervene. He pushed her away from his dressings. They stitch up several stab wounds that were found on his torso area. After he stopped the bleeding. They search for more stab wounds throughout his body. They find several fractures instead after one rib bone protruded from the right side of his body. They feel for more broken bones. They find enough fractures besides breaks to tend too.

 An Officer stepped into the infirmary. I need him handcuffed to his bed or you will be held responsible. I got it Captain! He ordered an Officer into the infirmary to handcuff prisoners to their bed. I got it Doctor just as soon as you’re done with him. The Officer stepped back into the hall that separated him from prisoners besides the operating room.

 Billy Seals remained unconscious in bed. He is rolled into the hallway to the Recovery Room. The same Officer stepped forward he grabbed the bed by two bars and pulled. He rolled him down the hall toward Recovery while he handcuffed him to his bed. A Nurse walked with him. She rolled a metal stand with a clear solution inside and a bag that resembled blood. The Officer noticed a tattoo on his forearm of an angel with massive wings. A name right underneath. He could not make it out at first but it looked like an Angel. What did you do wrong '' he asked? They roll his stretcher into Recovery. At least we will know where you will be tonight, won't we angel. He reached over to place his hand on top of his bed. A sudden jolt of electricity ran up his hand. His arm followed then his shoulder which sent him into shock if just for a second. He screamed in shock what is that. He stepped back away from his bed to steal another glance. His skin looked like it started to change color. It had a light green shade that followed him around. I think this one is going to die Nurse. I do not see him lasting more than a few days. If those gang members follow him into the infirmary. He will not make it pass that. I better keep a close eye on this one Cheryl or I might be handing him over to the morgue. I will keep an eye on him myself from here on, Jack. If you like we can both watch him. He does not look like a gang banger to me Cheryl. I think he got himself into trouble. If he does not make it. It is not because we did not try. It would have to be Angels in Heaven! We better leave him here. They roll him in between two prisoners, one dying from kidney cancer. The other dying from lung cancer. He smoked for several years! Evidently one too many cigarettes for this one?

His bed hit a wall before both Officer Burris besides his Nurse leave him to his Doctor. Only he could connect him to any life support system that he might need. Both Prison Workers leave him to Doctor Zhiff who is now in charge of the infirmary.

 Doctor Zhiff walked into Recovery minutes later. He made the proper adjustments in Billy Seals Recovery. He placed several sensors on his torso area so it would alarm Hospital Staff in case his Heart ever stopped. We better order another Guard in case they try another attempt on this kid named Billy Seal's life. I saw the Doctor. I will take care of that immediately Doctor. The Guard contacted Captain of the Guards. I think we might expect a little trouble in the infirmary. It is all done Doctor. I left the Captain a message with his Secretary. Suddenly, his radio came to life Officer Burris. I’m sending you another Guard which is on his way. You can call the Doctor. You can tell him I have everything under control! Okay Captain I will tell him over and out. He placed his radio back on his utility belt. He is now on his way Doctor. I will tell him what to expect if he does not already know. Very good Burris you better because we do not know what to expect our self, Officer. By the way isn't it what you get paid to do Guard. Yes, it is Doctor. I will tell you this much. You do what you do and I will do what I did how is that. I do not expect to hear a complaint until you have reason to complain. I have work to do! I do not have prisoners to chase around in a Prison. I have sick people some of them will probably die!

 He stepped back into the hall. He had a spot where he waited for Prisoners. He mumbled '' I have work to do and a bunch of sick inmates that would not stop to help an old lady but not just an old lady but blind at that across a street unless it is to steal a purse. So please do not try to tell me what to expect. I know exactly what to expect from hard cases and killers. Especially in a Maximum Prison like this one Doctor. He remained near the entrance to look for the next batch of inmates to come in for medical reasons. The Doctor had a long line of Prisoners already to attend too. His Nurse Cheryl at his side took the regular Nurse's job for the moment. One inmate in particular stopped the guard whispers in his direction. Tell that kid Billy he is a dead man! He will not last one day after he reaches Population. I will tell him tough guy! I will make sure he receives that message. He repeated his ID Number back at him. He smiled at him he knew that would piss him off.

 Listen, if you do not have enough time. I can make sure that you get enough if you ever threaten me or anyone in the infirmary again, understood. Inmates step back after they heard that thinking it might interfere with Medical Services. The prison guard stepped into the center of 10 to 15 inmates he shouts. Doctor. I need a few minutes. I better search them again. I have been watching this one. He got real close to things that he could use for a weapon.

Before anyone goes into the infirmary step over here. I have to search you again and again. Another prison guard reentered the infirmary. Together, they search Prisoners again like he told them and again.

 Officer Burris found his lunch in his clothes. When were you going to eat that? Place both hands behind your back. You’re not going back to your cell. You’re going to the hole! Son of a bitch! I cannot even bring a lunch without someone wanting to steal it from me. This is one way to lose weight Officer Burris this is another way of looking at things. You’re not funny Doctor, I have a better idea where is your lunch? I think you should lose some weight. I will eat your lunch instead. He reached for a paper bag that the Doctor brought with him into the infirmary. I hope you like prison lunches because I think this belongs to one of them. Shit '' he shouted '' I will not eat that. I will eat my leftover lunch that he took a bite from. Let me have a look at your sandwich. He reached for the paper bag that he opened up. He slipped his hand inside. He removed a half-eaten sandwich with bite marks almost everywhere like he is in a hurry. Unless, he passed my sandwich around to inmates to take a bite. I am going to kill you! You hear me put your hands behind your back all of you! You’re going to the hole until you tell me who ate my lunch and how you got it from my desk.

 Inmates place their hands behind their back before another Captain entered the infirmary No one is going to the hole Officer. You have work to do d you not? First remove handcuffs from Prisoners hands before you go to that wall to tend to the gates. I have to watch the gates why '' he replied. I work in the infirmary from now on Captain. Not anymore you will be working at an entrance gate checking identification Keep my lunch inmate '' he shouted. I will not need it anymore will l? He shrugged his shoulders at inmates after his handcuffs were removed from their wrists. Another guard entered the infirmary but a much bigger guard this one with attitude. Officer Burris left the infirmary after he shouts at inmates that blocked the entrance. Get out of my way '' he shouted, Or I will move you out of my way buster! He stepped into a tunnel that connected the infirmary to the Prison. The Captain ordered both Guards to keep inmates in line at all times. Captain '' he yelled ''one guard that looked a little green behind the ears. I would like to have lunch at 11; 15 on the dot if this is possible. Sure my Wife would like a brand new Cadillac for Christmas. Maybe we should place both Wishes in a suggestion box and hopefully one of us will get ours. That is so funny Captain. I did not know you were taking comedian classes at the YMCA. I think I would be working for such an amusing Captain but it is a pleasure. He stared back into his baby blue eyes and yells take that smirk off your face. You remind me of bozo the clown. If those inmates hear you talk like that you will be sleeping in their cell, tonight. He opened his mouth in awe in a kind of way like what does that mean, Captain. You better listen if you want to live in a place like this Officer Greene. That is what I will call you from now on every time I see you here in the infirmary with them. A young blond haired, blue eyed male remained in shock. Unaware what that might mean but it did sound like I was going to be a plaything. He raised his head he stared into the coldest, blackest eyes that he has ever come across. A Million tiny chills up and down his skin. I think I understand what that meant Captain thank you for that moment in time Sir. He walked away he left the Captain yelling at inmates that think they we're going to run things in his Prison. This is my Prison we better get that straight right now. I do not give a shit who you are. This is my place you understand that! Right you better! He nodded his head up and down several times before he started to talk. If you mess with the infirmary. I will close this place down. You will sit in your cell waiting for a Doctor. And you know how long that can take, right? I do not want you to forget that. I have to go! I have a Prison to run! If I hear anything about taking over my Prison. I will place it on lockdown boy. I will not take any hostages either. I will shoot and ask you questions later if you survive!

Officer Green I do not want you to ever forget me! I will see you on a regular basis. If you do not listen and learn you will end up in a cell with bubbah. IN another words Mandingo! He looks forward to playing with people especially guards. So if I were you. I recommend that you do not take orders from the wrong somebody from now on, understood. I better be or you will be the one that is sorry. Have a good day, greenhorn. I mean Officer Greenhorn. He stepped into the hall that led back into Prison and disappeared.

 Officer Green tries to talk tough to an inmate but it is more like an order. I want you to listen after everyone heard the Captain give him lessons in life. Prison inmates are the worst people on the Planet from what it sounded like to both Doctors. I better keep an eye on you Officer just in case you get hurt or carried away by Mandingo. Everyone in the infirmary started to laugh out loud. They could not stop after seeing Officer Green’s look. He looked like someone sold cub scout cookies to a pack of hyenas in a prison. Allow me to address the inmates. You remember what the Captain told you it is like that. Get in line before he returns and catches you looking around my Office.

Inmates got back in line after being handcuffed and threatened by Officer Burris. Nobody liked his lunch anyway. He had a bologna sandwich with cheese just like ours. The only difference, he had mayonnaise on his and a slice of lettuce. Okay get back in line. I do not want to call the Captain back. He is not a nice person when he is pissed.

 Both Doctors get back to work while Officer Green tries his new found smarts on inmates. The second guard a tall black male with short hair looked down on people smaller than him. He ordered inmates into line. It is like he had no personality other than the one that he had. The new Officer listened to him speak. He used the same words on every patient. Get in line this is all.

 Officer Green did not like inmates to know that he was new on the job for some reason or another. He continued to pass by inmates like he tried to create a straight line, an almost perfect one. You can let them go Green.

They will be alright for now. We will not see them again until the next time they are sick. I got it Partner. He waited for the black Officer to respond. He nodded his head he told him that I will talk to you at lunch.

 I heard we have to watch over both Doctors, not inmates. They're not going anywhere Officer. I think our job is to take the infirmary back in case there is an uprising. Officer Green looked like he is in shock. He did not know what to do other than to start breathing heavier. He stepped back up against a solid wall like he expected it to happen at any second. The much bigger Officer laughed before he walked forward toward inmates in a demanding manner.

After the Doctor released a handful of prisoners to Prison Guards. All of a sudden one guard entered the infirmary with one black male handcuffed but bleeding profusely. The Captain told me to watch this one. He is one of three inmates that tried to kill that patient with multiple stab wounds. The Doctor turned around to stare into Recovery. He turned back to stare at the inmate responsible and wondered why?

 Leave him handcuffed to the wall in case he feels frisky. I do not need anyone killed on my watch. I want his cuffs double checked before you leave. I will not leave until he is done. He is on a special tier where inmates have all our attention. He laughed to himself he knew from that moment on that inmates were in trouble!

I’m not sure which of the three you are. I think you’re in big trouble? You almost killed him! Did you know you came within an inch of his Heart of killing him? I’m not the one he had trouble with that is the other guy. I hope for your sake that you did not come here on an order because that is a much bigger problem than just murder. That could get you the electric chair black man. I have a number why don't you use my number Doctor.

 I do not remember numbers much less anything about you. Okay Doctor, I better get my medicine so I can get going back to my cell. Tell him he is a dead man. As soon as he returns to population. There still waiting for him. He will be lucky if he lived one day. If he made it to the outside. I will tell him. I doubt he will be talking anytime soon. He has several wounds on his torso and body, everywhere. I just have a headache! I need an aspirin. I do not need anything else. Here you go take a packet of pills. There good for one month. If you have another headache just take a pill and call me in the morning. The black male climbed to his feet. He removed a packet that held 8 pills inside. I will see you again Doctor. I know I am I cannot escape this prison for some reason or another. Some people were meant to die here. Others to spend the rest of their lives in prison. Some have worst fates than that. I guess this is mine. I know for a fact that I will see you again this is my Home the only Home I will ever know. Guard, take that inmate away! I think he has what he needs for now. You know my number now huh. He turned to face the entrance besides a massive guard 6 feet tall 250 pounds if not more. I know everybody inmate. I know what I need to know that is all I have, Next '' he yelled. The guard followed him into the hall after he placed his handcuffs back on him. My name is Jesse Doctor try not to remember that someday you might need to know me! Okay Jesse I will remember you! He turned to face another inmate. What is wrong with you while he slipped on a pair of rubber gloves? The door closes to the infirmary. He continued to stare back into the hospital. It is like he tried to remember where our Recovery Room laid or that victim lay.

 Since there were so many doors in that infirmary. It is like he came here to look around not make friends. Instead, he wrote down his information alright. Before he forgot his reason for being there. Just in case he came back with another illness or an excuse to see the Doctor or have a look around the infirmary. Instead, he focused on work. He had an infirmary full of patients to see still waiting. One Nurse stepped into Recovery to check on patients on a critical list. Cheryl a strawberry haired girl in her early 20's stepped inside to see him. Since he is on her list of things to do for the time that she is there. She decides to check on Seals first. Since he is the worst one of them all.

 Both Doctors continued to do their job to take care of prisoners in Prison. Cheryl walked around followed by a prison guard that kept an eye on her in case inmates get frisky. She stopped in front of his bed and looked down at his face. Something told her that he did not belong in jail which made her wonder why he was here in the first place. I will look up your case Billy Seals. I will see what you did to get yourself in here. You’re not a bad looking man like they say in the wild, wild west. Maybe, I will get to like you then again maybe not so do not get your hopes, high.

 She reached down to take his pulse by touching his wrist. She needed to write it down so she could read. She squeezed his wrist but something that resembled a bolt of electricity ran up her right arm to her neck to her brain. It knocked her out she fell unconscious on the floor. The guard that walked around followed her yells for a Doctor to help! Help! Both Doctors rush into Recovery in search of a guard besides his Nurse. She lay on the floor her legs trembled, her eyes closed tight. She had spasms of some kind and yells help carry her to an empty bed Jack. I cannot leave her in here with Prisoners Doctor! I just cannot do that! We're not leaving her anyway were taking her to a hospital after I find a problem. This is different Doctor I do not want to lose my job for not following orders.

 I know that Jack both males raise her body. They place her down on an empty bed. What was she doing before she fainted Jack tell me? She was taking his pulse. I think, I am not sure. She did something by his bedside. I do not know what it is Doctor or I would tell you!

 He checked her out. He does not find anything wrong with her. He tries cold water next he uses a washrag to wipe her forehead with. Before she finally opened her eyes to look up into his and stares. She smiles at him I just went to Heaven and back. I cannot believe it Doctor. I was doing something then dam, I hit the ground. What were you doing Cheryl? She tried to slide both legs off down on the floor. I do not remember but I was in this room. I was looking around taking vitals. I am sorry Doctor. I do not remember. She turned her attention to the guard. You were behind me the entire time you tell me what was I doing. I do not know Cheryl I think you were taking vitals but I am not sure who?

 She bent forward to search for a pulse that sent her into shock. Only three patients lied in this room I should not have that hard of a time finding him. The guard continued to watch her from that moment on. He did not know what to expect from then. Will she be alright or will she faint at the sign of blood? He remembered that kid that got stabbed three times. If I was not mistaken. I think it is him that she touched. I do not know about you Cheryl but I think we better grab some lunch before we continue, working. I think were both seeing things if we continue to look at three patients on the verge of dying at any second. Let us go Jack! I am hungry! I think we better grab something to eat. That might be the reason why I keep thinking it is him and it is not. It might be that prisoner that I am thinking about. I still not sure but lunch should make that clear for me! Jack told his Partner that they were headed to the canteen to have lunch. Will be back in 45 minutes then you could have lunch, yourself.

 Both the prison guard besides Hospital Nurse walk down the hall that separated the infirmary from the Prison. Doctor Zhiff returned to work with another Nurse that also works in the infirmary. I checked on the three patients in Recovery Doctor. I do not see any need to do it again. There just like I left them last night. Nothing changed for either of them. I like them checked every 4 hours Nurse. Do you understand that? Unless of course you do not like your job in the infirmary. I love my job Doctor Zhiff. I just do not like doing it over. We do it over and over again until it is right. Or back to their cell. I will keep that in mind Doctor. Who else shall I check on in case they do not need it? I would like you to do your job all over, staring. Now I want you to go back into Recovery and write it down. Because, if I go in there and find out you took one false reading. You will not work here anymore. Do I make myself clear Denise, now get back to work! I want them readings, again.

 She stepped back into Recovery to double check her readings. Or that rotten Doctor would have her job, instead. She started with the inmate with several stab wounds. He had urine all over his bed somehow it poured out of his body, everywhere. I better get clean sheets or it will drip all over the floor. She bent down to look underneath his bed. She sees someone underneath. A midget two feet tall in a black cloak with black beady eyes and a rough exterior. Tiny open sores lied almost, everywhere. They drip from its face surrounded in warts. It opened its mouth, words that sounded almost like a baby pour outward, g-o-o-o. She stepped back unaware what or if that Doctor tried to pull a joke on her. Who put you up to this little man? She raises her voice once again. It reached out it grabbed her white skirt and pulled it until it ripped. She screamed out loud that I saw a monster in the Recovery Room, guard! He came running into Recovery to search of her but she is standing near the entrance, holding what is left of her skirt in her hands. The guard cautiously bent down on one knee. He slid toward Billy Seals bed to lift a sheet that hung multiple inches down. He lifted the sheet from the tip. He looked underneath but there isn't anything there. He turned around I do not see anything especially a leprechaun Denise. I think you better grab some lunch. Who do you think ripped my skirt that guy who is unconscious. I do not know Denise but I think you better get something to eat. I know you skinny girls are so afraid to eat that you sometimes see things. Okay were afraid to eat, I think you better grab some lunch you, fat pig. She stormed into the hall to her locker where she kept extra clothes. A guard remained in Recovery unaware what she even talked about. He did see something scatter across the floor but it isn't a midget or anyone two feet tall. What he did find is a black sand substance ash on the floor. Something dragged it across the floor like it wore long pajamas. He scooped up a small amount by using his ID card to scrape the floor, into a small mountain of black sand. He scooped it up into a baggy that he uses for lunch, sometimes. He raised the baggy to his nose. He noticed a burnt smell, something that you would find in a burned down building. Before he scraped what he could from burnt stuff he allowed it to drop into a baggy or something so he could smell it later. Maybe it is from Hell. By the way it sounded that little man that she talked about looked like this is where he came from. A little black man with open sores pus that dripped down from each one and a wart. He sure sounded like this is where he came from. Who knew this might be the Pitt's dust. It is black grit mixed with a sand color. I could be rich I could sell it to the highest bidder. Where in the World would I find black sand but in Hell.

 He walked out after he searches the Recovery Room. He looked for little black demons. He walked out giggling to himself whispering little black monsters two feet tall. Denise rushed back into the infirmary after changing clothes. She caught him laughing on the way out of Recovery. You think it is funny. You wait until it happens to you. Maybe he will pull your pants down and spank you. You dirty little old man. I might tell the Doctor what you have been doing. You have been sneaking around with his Secretary Patricia. I will not laugh anymore okay. I do not need any more problems at work so will just call it even.

 She walked back into the infirmary to look for either Doctor. But she would not come close to the Recovery Room, no matter what. Doctor Zhiff I need to have lunch or I cannot go on. I did not eat breakfast today. I need to sit down or I might pass out from hunger. I heard you were seeing things. A guard told us you were seeing little green men or were they black I forgot. I have too much to do, I do not have time to look around and tell you that I do not need you! I have too many prisoners so tell the guard that you’re leaving for lunch. When is Cheryl supposed to return at what time Jerry. She should be back in 15 minutes from now. I hope she does not do a disappearing act like you sometimes do. Okay, I will leave in 15 minutes. I cannot go back into Recovery. I just cannot. I will tell you I saw something in that room, I just do not know what it is that is hiding in the infirmary. I already looked Denise. I did not find anything. I have no idea what you’re even talking about, demons huh.

 It has been fifteen minutes. I am going to lunch! I will be back in 45 minutes if I feel like it. She stormed into the hall from the infirmary thinking about that little black man in a cloak. Something that resembled a creature a beast in a Halloween flick.

 Jerry a tall black guard remained with both eyes fixed on Denise's butt. She vanished into the Prison somewhere. He turned his attention to an inmate after he raised his voice to a Doctor. He rushed into the infirmary to look for his Office. He yelled “ after he found him standing up against the wall like he is going to hit him. If you touch that Doctor you lose and so will prisoners. Because they will not send any Doctors into Prison to assist you or me. I think you better sit back down so he can take care of you or else. I will take you to the hole instead you got that inmate. I get the message if I do not sit down. I will be going to the hole yeah I got it.

He sat back down but the guard remained in the Office with them both, just in case something else happened. He turned to his side after he saw something move across the floor like someone on his hands and knees.

 Except inmates did not wear black clothes. They wore light and dark blue colored clothes. He shouted '' I will be right back. He stepped into the infirmary to search for that black thing that ran across the floor on both its hands and knees. Prisoners were handcuffed together. They could not crawl on the floor without dragging each other with. A white curtain moved to the right. He knew there isn't anything on that side except instruments for hospitals. Jerry noticed a thin, tiny black tail that resembled a pitchfork on the tip. I see you now '' he yelled. I will rip that black beast apart before I send it back to Hell!