I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Fourteen Billy's Letter


 The following day Sister Alaida ordered Billy into her Office to talk with him. He sat down in a seat much too big for him but he sat down, anyway. It fitted around him like a glove, his butt slid into that seat when she whispers. I received more bad news Today I heard your Father is in a hospital. From what I gathered he used to talk with Father Finnegan. I did not know your Father is in a hospital. Anyway, I received a letter from him which is why I ordered you into my Office. I want you to take this with you if you cannot read it by yourself. All you have to do is ask me. Thank you Sister I would like that. If I cannot read it I will call on you. I'm still not done I have to say that Father Finnegan wanted you to have this. It is a Bible. He says in a letter if anything should happen to me. I have a short list of things that I would like to give to Orphans if you do not mind. By the way I would like you to come with us to the Cemetery to Bury Father Finnegan in a few days if you like. I would like that but first I would like that Bible that he wanted me to have. Sure, it is in his droor. She reached into his desk to remove a dark colored book that resembled an old fashioned Bible. He wanted you to have it. I do not know why I never ask questions when it comes to Priests.

 Yes Sister I would like to go with you to the Cemetery to bury Father Finnegan. I have pictures with me Sister. I would like to show you. My Father took them when my Mother died. Take a look he slipped his hand into a small backpack that he always carried with him. He handed her a small handful of photos the entire time he smiled.

 She handed him a Bible but he tried to hold it in his hands. Instead, his Bible almost slid down toward the floor. A handful of pictures that he carried with him also fell on top of the desk. The first picture that she sees is a picture of him standing in the front gates. A large Angel Statue surrounded him with wings that looked like they were as big as a one car garage. After another glance she had to say if Angels were real that Angel sure had the looks.

 She wanted to place that picture down on the desk but she needed another look. For some reason or another that Angel caught her eye. She could not place that Angel's Picture down on the desk. She raised another she looked at the picture like she searched for buried treasure. After another glance in the sunlight. She could swear she saw Angels or their form. It’s like they were waiting for something. Maybe the end of the World. Maybe they're here to take good people back with them to Heaven. Anything is possible '' she thought. She slowly yet hesitantly lowered the picture down on top of the other. Another picture except this time his Father squeezed himself inside. They both smiled back at the camera like they were sad yet tried to smile through that mess. But that Angel in the background. He was not there anymore. It had to be a different place where they took this picture '' she thought. She noticed that it had two entrances unless it is a different place with the same look. Then again that Angel maybe got up and flew away.

 She handed pictures back to him after he tries to slip an oversized Bible into his backpack. I better get ready for lunch Sister. I have to put my Bible away. I still have my Father's letter to read. I will see you at lunch Billy. I will be getting hungry, myself. As a matter of fact, why don't we go together after you put your Bible away? Okay Sister, I will meet you in the hallway 10 minutes from now. Sounds like a deal why don't you let me help you, instead. I know where your Dorm is. I will walk with you to the Dorm. Okay '' he answered '' he climbed to his feet after he took a look around Father Finnegan’s Office. I'm going to miss him Sister but he already knows that. She did not say anything. She felt he knew what he had said. Because she had no clue what it meant. If he is a messenger. I think I should listen all I do is avoid him. I will see you in 10 minutes Billy right outside your Dorm. He turned to face a window behind her. It sure looked like it is going to be a nice day does it not Sister. If you do not think so we can always Pray Billy. It is the next best thing when things do not go your way. I usually go back to my room. I try to imagine a much better day. Sometimes things do not go your way so I use Prayer to help me through that day. I think we better go get lunch before we miss out on chow, Billy. They step into the hall that connected Dorms, Offices, and Libraries besides the Orphanage Hospital. She walked him into the hall. She watched his tiny frame disappear on his way to his Dorm. Do not forget 10 minutes Billy just before he turned to his right at a crisscross down the hall. Sister Alaida turned back to face the door with keys in her right hand. She slipped a key into the door lock, turned it to the right before locking it in place. She turned the doorknob to the right then to the left, it is locked. She had 10 minutes to kill before she would have to walk down that hall toward Billy's Dorm. She turned to face Father Finnegan’s door which is half glass and wood at the bottom. It is going to be a good day isn't it Billy. She stared out through the glass into his Office outside, into the backyard from his inside window. I Pray it is Billy '' she whispered. She found that empty place on the wall where a Cross once laid. I will miss you Father Finnegan but you already knew that '' Billy thought. She turned around she headed back down the hall toward Billy's Dorm.

Something inside told her that Father Finnegan would not be the last Priest that would die! According to Billy it is just the beginning. I think we should all Pray then! Maybe somehow words will sooth the pain in our Heart or take us to a far off land where we can Dream.

 Sister Alaida reached his Dorm hall but before she turned to face the door she peeks. He is standing in the hall like a soldier guarding and protecting that tiny piece of land. Billy '' she whispered '' here I am I think we better get going before lunch is over. A soft song played throughout the Orphanage on the intercom. Music that made her feel at Home helped her cope with Father Finnegan’s Death. It relaxed her so much she felt her feet dance to the sound.

 A smile came across her face. She reached over to touch Billy's hand. She allowed him to walk a few feet in front of her while she wondered what he is doing here in the first place. He did not have much of a clue from what he had to say. Maybe in another words he came to help in one way or the other. We will not know until it happens ''she thought. Maybe then will have a better idea why things do happen.

They entered the lunchroom Billy first then Sister Alaida right behind. Chow hall is filled with Children he searches for his Dorm. He sees Chucky Chipps sitting at the same table like always. He waves at him from the entrance. He smiles before heading for the assembly line. Where he found silverware besides plates in a neat stack that continued to rise every time someone took a setting. Chow hall filled with Sisters and Priests. He could see nothing except black Dresses and Gowns everywhere. They wore them because they were for Serving God.

Three Days later Sister Alaida returned for Billy. For some reason or another she felt that Father Finnegan would have wanted that. She still did not know why but she felt that way for some reason or another. And until she felt otherwise. She would follow her instincts until that stopped.

 Billy stepped into the hall after he slipped into a black suit that the Orphanage supplied. Followed Sister Alaida down a hall toward the entrance where a handful of Sisters and Priests stood, waiting. A Black Hearst waited nearby just a few hundred feet away from a beige colored van with the name St Williams across the side. Before Sister Alaida climbed into the van. She noticed Billy outside the Orphanage like he stared up at the roof. Look Sister someday everything will change. Will have a new Orphanage. I doubt that Billy. I think you better climb into the van so we can leave. She raised her head to look up at the rooftop. She did not see anything except a slab of carved rock around the top.

 They climb into the van Father Jotts slammed both doors closed. He walked back toward the Orphanage entrance. Sister Alaida made sure his seatbelt is buckled so he does not slip or slide around in the backseat. The Priest shifted into drive. He drove backward toward the left side of the Orphanage. We're going to miss you Father Finnegan Sister Alaida whispers. They begin Praying in silence after making the Sign of the Cross. Both Priests follow Sisters in Prayer. They knew Father Finnegan well before he died.

They drive to St Williams Cemetery while Praying in silence. They pull up in the entrance to the Cemetery to look at Headstones along the way. Sister Alaida noticed the entrance. It did not have any massive statues inside. Anything that would make her stop or say look at that is that nice. Billy do you have that picture with you that picture that you took with your Father that you showed me yesterday. He slid his backpack around. He unzipped his zipper so he could reach inside. He removed a handful of pictures that his Father took after they buried their Mother. She felt the van stop. She stared at pictures until she found the right one. Again, she raised her head to stare into the opening. She sees the name of the Church across the face. Two black iron gates that allowed people in or out of the Cemetery. Still, there is not any Angel Statue in the Cemetery. As a matter fact there is not an Angel anywhere in sight.

 Sister Alaida slowly climbed out. She allowed her tiny feet to touch the concrete ground. Made her way to the Cemetery's entrance while holding a picture of Billy, surrounded by a massive White Angel Statue made of marble. She noticed two words at the bottom of the statue. They were too small to make out at the moment. She slipped the picture back into her pocket that she could give it back to him after she used a magnifying glass. Billy stood at her side but she watched his eyes. They were like glass like something that she just could not explain. Where is the Statue Billy? She continues to look at the ground where it should be standing. He is up in Heaven, Sister. He will wait for a War that will someday take place on Earth. I think I Read it its name is Armageddon. He will be here when God Will Send Him. That will be when he comes?

 We better go say goodbye to Father Finnegan before they Bury Him without us. Okay Sister he followed her into the Cemetery. Both vans disappear somewhere inside. It is only a few yards from the entrance. We can walk from here Billy. He never says a word. He nodded his head in a yes manner like he is okay with her request. She reached both gates then Billy who for some reason or another remained behind like he watched or waited for someone, maybe something to follow him. She continued to keep her distance until she could figure out why.

Billy stepped into the entrance. He turned his head to look to his right. Sister Alaida stopped after she heard him stop. She knew he did something, what? He stared in the direction of the statue. She shouted “ Come on Billy we have to go. He turned away he followed her into the Cemetery from behind. I just want to take a look at the ground where he stood. It might be a piece of Heaven. His feet once touched Heaven and this is where he stood while he watched over us. What was he looking for Billy? He continues to walk with her until he stops. Signs of the Devil he says. He is coming to stop me and you if you’re standing at my side when he comes! Why would an angel want to kill me! It is not you that he seeks. Something they believe down in Hell! It is the way the dark beast works. It is the way things are. Humans Follow God if they know better if they do not, they belong to the Devil. He will gladly take all! He waited to see if there is anything to listen too. He remembered hearing something in Church. God Would Allow Angels to Watch, Play among us like we were chess pieces on a chessboard. When another human bites the dust. It is his own fault somehow or somewhere he has done wrong.

 This is the way Angels see us remember. God made the Rules They are His Commandments! It is the way that He separated Good from Evil. He also remembered something that he heard his Father say. You always ask questions about Angels Billy. Angels get a kick out of us Humans. Especially when we die and we do not make it to the light. We remain trapped in a tunnel filled with darkness, surrounded only by that constant sound of lost souls, everywhere. They come to a sudden stop to look around to gather their senses so they could think straight.

After they reach the area '' he called out '' this piece of ground where Father Finnegan will lay in for the rest of Eternity. Angels will come here soon after were gone to take his Soul back with them to Heaven. If we stay here long enough we will see something like dirt rise from the ground or a thin cloud of light over his grave. I think it is the color of a Soul. You have a wild imagination kid. No Sister I just wish the best for Father Finnegan? Maybe will see a breeze filled with dust that looks like Father Finnegan. Sister!

 Father Lattice lifted a Bible in his right hand. He waved to both Sisters and Priests to come closer so he could read from the Bible. Two Males remove Father Finnegan from the rear of a Black Hearst. First, I would like to give Father Finnegan his Eulogy before we do anything else. Who else agrees with me or should I Read from the Bible, instead. I think we should say our piece Father so we can read what Father Finnegan wanted us to hear. This is a good idea Sister Alaida. I think this is what will do.

He reached into his inside pocket. He removed a white envelope with Father Finnegan’s name across the face. It is the smallest Eulogy that I have ever seen. I better save it for later, instead. I have a Paragraph from the Bible that he wanted to read at his Funeral. Let us begin he started to read from the Bible while Sister Alaida watched Billy from the corner of her eye. He stared into the Cemetery like he was his own bodyguard. All I could say that some little boys have to become Men at such an early age. Maybe he is one of those boys. I just Pray what we have for him at St Williams Orphanage is enough.

 After Father Finnegan’s body disappeared into the Earth. Sister Alaida a Young Woman waves Billy to move closer. I think it is time to leave '' she whispered. Billy's eyes were locked on the Cemetery like he was lost in a trance. He nodded his head up and down before he turned to his left whispers we better go Sister. What did you see? I saw you I think you were locked in a trance where did you go? I felt something like I did not feel right. I think it is a sign of things to come. Bad or good things? He did not answer or say anything. Again, he just nodded his head up and down. But before they reach the Church Van '' he whispered. I will tell you something that scared the living hell out of me, Sister. I will tell you after I sit down. I will tell you what I saw.

 I went to sleep one night around 10-PM like I always do after my Mother would tuck me into bed. I had a bad dream before my Mother died. I saw a beast and the beast knew my name. A tall figure of a man in a cream colored robe came to life. He looked more like he wore satin clothes of some kind. He had a dull glow in his eyes from what I remember. Where did you come from I wondered? I felt a little bit better, afterward. This is when I turned to face him. I knew he was sent here to stop me from shaking. I do not know why or remember why I shook. I could not stand still for anything. Why does he want to hurt me if he is an angel '' l asked. He turned to me '' he said '' there is nothing to fear! I am right by your side! I am a guardian “ he whispered. Before he took you Billy. He has to take me first. I will go and follow you wherever you go. I am just a breath away! I remember turning my head to my right. I saw another angel in that same kind of clothes and color in a cloud of dust like he hid. Sister, he hesitated for a split second. His light brown eyes stare up into hers. They both had wings like Angels in those pictures from Heaven! Their eyes look like they were Royal Blue, their skin is like milk. His hair is brown like mine but much longer. I wonder why they did not cut their hair. Maybe they do not have barbers in Heaven. I think Heaven must be solid white like their skin which is the same color of milk like it is liquid. I turn my head further to my right. I saw something else, I would never forget! He stopped talking he fell into quiet mode like he had to think of something to say. Like what Billy? I tried to say something before I could reach him, Father Lattice wanted some water.

 Billy removed his Dad's letter from his backpack. He knew it would be awhile. I will see you again Billy. I am just one breath away. I will be at your side within seconds like a bolt of lightning from in the skies. He pulled out a pen. He started to write a letter back since the ride would take a while. But before he finished he tossed his Father's letter back into his backpack. He noticed several words at the bottom. Sister Alaida sat back gentle like. She wondered how much of this is actually real. She watched him from her left eye this time, she watches him write a letter with his tiny fingers. His long dark brown hair lay to one side. It dripped down just underneath both ears. I think it is time for you to get your haircut Billy, right. I do not know Sister?

 She heard a Priest talk about sending Billy to another Orphanage if anything else happened. She did not know if this is a good idea either. She did know it is about time that something happened. Again, she turned to face Billy. He sat in the Church Van backseat, writing a letter to his Father. If he read minds he would know what the Orphanage is thinking. His shoes were from the Orphanage. I knew the black and white suit belonged to them too.

 Sister Suddenly, Alaida noticed a cornfield to her right which made her remove her eyes off Billy. A reflection in the glass told her that something else is with them. She noticed a thin cloud of white wings wrapped around his tiny body like he was protected for some strange reason. She secretly allowed a deep breath to escape in her body in a low tone of voice. The cloak of light is so thin that it is like a morning mist that you can barely see. Billy '' she whispered '' would you like some water with a smile as big as a clowns. No Sister, I would not I am too busy writing my Dad a letter before I forget. Okay Billy, I will let you finish writing your letter. I know it must be important that you finish it, right. The phone rang another Sister reaches for the Church Van telephone. Hello, speaking '' she called out '' after a few seconds she started yelling. Hurry drive to the Orphanage Sister Verioa says that Police were everywhere.

 They were searching for several Police Officers that never made it back to the Precinct two days ago. They brought cadaver dogs to the Orphanage. They we're searching for dead Police Officers. They brought 15 to 20 Police Officers this time. They're not leaving until they find their Officers or their corpses. They think someone in the Orphanage or related killed their Officer. I told them they were going to need a Warrant this time! Will be there in 20 minutes Sister. You do not have to worry because we have God on our side remember, click!

 The Priest stepped down on the pedal. He drove down the road toward St Williams Orphanage. Sister Alaida stared out through a side window unaware what to expect back at the Orphanage. Still, they're 20 minutes from arriving '' Father lattice yelled '' Sisters and Priests alike buckle up. I am going to step down on the gas!