I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Fifteen Sisters and Priests


 Captain Bowles Brother appeared with a small Army of Police. They prepare for St Williams Orphanage but first weapons are needed. After Chucky Chipps is kidnapped by a tall dark male in black clothes. They're alarmed after two Police Officers never make it back to their Precinct too. An internal investigation of the Police Department is ordered by the Commander. I want St Williams Orphanage searched from top to bottom! I want that kid found besides my Missing Officers. And I do not want to see either of you until you have answers and criminals in Jail awaiting, Trial! More than 35 Police Officers take part in a massive Manhunt in search of a missing boy named Chucky Chipps and several Police Officers. I will be sitting at my desk waiting for your progress report on this subject, Gentlemen. Lieutenant Bowles ordered Officers to their Cars besides one K-9 Patrol known as cadaver dogs. I need that Warrant to give me the power that I need to take that Orphanage apart. I have a Warrant Lieutenant but do not forget that it is an Orphanage for Children. Yes Commander, I will remember that when I knock on the doors to the Orphanage.

 Lieutenant Bowles stepped into the hall that led back to their Police Department. That connected to a parking lot to the right of the Station but only for Police Vehicles. Officers rush down the hall. They act like they we’re on the way to a New Year's Party yelling and screaming.

 We have a small child Sister Vello claimed. She says she watched a tall dark male in a monkey suit carry him away in his arms. We need SWAT and a Team of cadaver dogs. They're already on their way here Lieutenant. I think we just need to be there ourselves for doing something. We better go, everybody into your Vehicles were headed for St Williams Orphanage. Police Car tires screech one by one as they leave the Parking lot for the Orphanage and Church. We should be there by 9 AM '' he replied. Vehicles drive away leaving nothing but a small cloud of dust behind.

 Lieutenant Bowles felt it is personal that he could not wait to get back to St Williams. If I find him or a group of Men hiding in the Orphanage. You will never make it to jail, I swear! Thirteen Police Cars drive down the street to the Orphanage. One by one Sirens blast, Cars fly down the street. Officers smoke one cigarette after another thinking it could be their last. Other Officers already in gun-ho mode willingly ready to take on a small army of bad guys in bullet proof vests and automatic weapons in hand.

 By almost ten AM Police Cars pour into the Orphanage only minutes before Sister Alaida and several Priests left to Bury Father Finnegan. I will take it from here Lieutenant Bowles he yells at Policemen. Send cadaver dogs to search the land first there is almost 40 Acres of land abandoned buildings to search through. I want every tool shed, empty storage unit, outhouse, rain ditch or cardboard box, searched. I want every rock overturned. I want you to look underneath and tell me what you find. I am looking for an 8 Year old Child named Chucky Chipps besides two Male Officers. Now split up in to two's and find me what I have been asking for. Do you hear me Officer!

 Policemen split up into two's before disbursing into almost barren land, behind St Williams that spread out over 40 Acres. It is 10-AM in the Morning. I expect you to find that little boy besides my missing Officers. That little boy is first on my list. I want him found immediately. His chances that he is still alive is good. If both Officers have not made it back by now chances are they're dead! I need 6 Officers to remain behind. I want the Warehouse searched. I want an Officer on every rooftop, to search for anyone or anything out of the ordinary. I want that boy found! I need another 6 Officers to search the Orphanage. There has to be at least 5 floors from what it looks like from here. I want that boy found now! Now go get him boys!

 I will help search the Orphanage which will make it seven Policemen. Six Officers take the Warehouse one after another in SWAT gear. Two cadaver dogs disappear into 40 Acres of land followed by two Policemen that belong to a K-9 Patrol.

 Lieutenant Bowles followed Six Officers into the Orphanage through both rear doors. While a Priest held the door open with his right hand a cordless telephone in his left. He talked to someone who knew where they could find their Bishop. We will not need the Bishop Father. I have a Warrant to search the Property anyhow and anyway we want. Would you like to see it for yourself '' he replied. He walked passed through the entrance while handing him a Warrant. We need you to get on that intercom Father to alarm Orphans that were going to be here all day looking for a kid named Chucky Chipps, okay. I will tell them as soon as I read the Warrant because I did not just Study Theology but Law too. That will be alright with me Father. Tear the Orphanage apart since the Priest thinks I came here to waste my time! That will be fine Lieutenant. I will tell them in a few moments just give me one minute. He folded the Warrant in half. He placed it in his pocket while he walked toward the Office to alarm Children for the third time that Police were here to search. This time they're looking for Chucky Chipps. I think someone kidnapped him from just outside the Orphanage. I do not want anyone to go outside while dogs are on the Property. I do not want anyone bit do I make myself clear, okay. I will be in your Dorm in a few minutes to talk to each and every one of you.

 He released a button to the intercom before joining Lieutenant Bowles in the hall that connected to every Dorm in the Orphanage. After he stepped into the hall. He pointed to a lower staircase that led into several unused rooms in the basement, more like a massive cellars. It is awfully cold down there. I do not recommend you going down in the basement unless you have a big flashlight with you because it is dark.

 I need two Officers to take the Cellar. It is cold it is dark. It has to be as big as the Orphanage, maybe even bigger than that if it descends into the ground. From what the Priest had to say it is awfully big down there so I will see you later. If you get lost try your radio. I can hear you if that works in the Cellar. Father do you have any idea what or how deep it might be down there. The last time I was in the Cellar. I think it was almost 10 feet down. But do not forget I believe there are a hundred different doors down there that lead into the darkest corners in the Church. We heard that Father that sure sounded like a threat to me! Is that a threat! I will allow that thing that lives and breathes in the Orphanage to deal with answer Officer! But of course Officer that would not be a threat this would. Do not steal a thing that you find in my Orphanage Officer because you might be sorry. Now that sounded more like a threat to me but it is not against the Law is it Lieutenant! We have work to do funnyman. I will be looking for Chucky Chipps. He is one of yours is he not Father. He pointed to both Police Officers and do not get lost. After both Policemen reach the staircase that dropped into a steel well of some kind, they vanish. Two beams of light that came from both flashlights appeared. They take one step down into the darkest area and finally disappear.

 Father, I have one question do you know something that I don't! Like what Officer he raised his stare to meet his. A short male maybe 5'6 in his early 50's 200 pounds brown hair and eyes smirked back. That smirk on your face Father tells me. You can call me skeptical but I do not buy that Holy Stuff. I look at everything has a reason.

 What happened to you for you to want to be a Priest? We're you molested as a child did some big kid pick on you to a point that you ran looking for someone to hold your hand? What did you say '' he replied. Do you know who I am? I was not sure for a minute but you look possessed. I was waiting for a demon to jump out and bite me. I will say it again what happened here? I heard something before I left the Precinct that a beast inside the Orphanage killed innocent Human Beings. Now, it is about to start on Children. He is taking them by force from the looks of it. I need answers Father do you have a room where Priests do exorcisms or do you scare the devil out of these freaks with Prayers! We do not have such a place Officer '' he answered. Now, I know you’re telling me the truth Father. Now, I can finish my search! I will tell you this by the time I finish here. I will have someone in custody or there will be a lot of us lying on the ground, dead if it is true! If what I heard is true Officer. I would believe the second story that would be the truth! Please continue your search Mister Skeptical. I will be in my Office. Because we've already lost plenty Officers. We lost several Priests for one reason or another but it does not kill Women or Sisters. I do not know why but according to the Bible. God made Women to accompany Men! If that thing is only killing us for one reason or another. It is just targeting Males so watch it Father! Yes, Officer! That is you're a Male Mister Skeptical. I would keep a close eye on my surroundings from now on if I were you. That thing that is killing Cops can be anywhere. He just stared back down at a short Priest's eyes in wonder. Does this penguin looking man know something that I do not or does he? I will sit down to talk to you one day when I do! I Pray you’re still alive when it is over. I think were on common ground Priest. He walked away mumbling. I will see you later maybe, anyway. He turned to his left before he walked toward a staircase that led to upper floors in the Orphanage. He stepped into a staircase that is filled with nothing but darkness and hesitates.

Once in the entrance he reaches for a flashlight that hung from a utility belt from his waistband. So he could see inside but before he stepped one foot inside, maybe hitting a wall or worst yet come face to face with a demon. He searches the immediate area for signs of someone or something deadly that might be hiding in the dark.

 After he found a splotch of what looked like blood. He stopped to radio for help. He decided to wait for two Officers just in case his instincts were right. A puddle of blood lay on the ground in the entrance just on the other side. He bent down on one knee. He touched a red thick liquid that lay on the ground. It sure smelled like blood that dried up over the last few days.

Within a few minutes the door opened from the other side. Two Police Officers stepped toward a doorway, holding a flashlight that had to be 15 to 18 inches long. Yes Lieutenant what can I do for you. I’m here to help in a search for a missing boy. I have a funny feeling we have found something that might tell us that we stumbled on a beast. What beast Lieutenant one Officer mumbles after he sees a puddle of blood as big as a cup of water. I think we better search all five floors. I think whatever it is that killed my Men is still here. Both Officers reach for their handguns. Lieutenant Bowles wondered where did SWAT disappear too. As a matter of fact he stopped after he took one look around. It is massive it is about the same size as the Orphanage. I need another eight Officers to help in the search of the Orphanage. Radio for more Officers, Officer. I am not going to search this place with two Policemen. Tell them that were going to take the fifth floor. I want the other floors searched by the time were done.

Lieutenant Bowles took the lead. He found a staircase that led to another flight that led up the stairs. Both Police Officers right behind him held flashlights and carried a handgun. After reaching the second floor he started looking for a light in the hall on walls. Neither one worked he continues to the third floor but listening for the slightest sound. Again, he reached for a button on a wall that he flipped upward but it did not work.

 We have two more floors to climb before we reach the fifth floor Officers. Again, they stop this time on the fourth floor from exhaustion, besides that, to smoke a cigarette and to take in multiple breaths. One Officer sat down on the top step. The other on a cardboard box 44 inches square. Lieutenant Bowles stepped down on the fourth floor. He took a look around for anything that might tell him that something is wrong. All of a sudden a cardboard box fell to the ground in an aisle not far from the entrance. I think we got company '' he shouted. I saw something run passed me! It knocked a box to the ground but I think we better come in ready.

Both Officers drop their half smoked cigarette on the ground. They step on it on their way into the fourth floor. One Officer pointed his weapon to the right the other to the left. Lieutenant Bowles stepped forward he remained in the middle with a handgun besides a flashlight aimed into the dark. I see the box Lieutenant. I know someone or something had to knock it down to the floor. I think we better move slow into the storage unit. Just in case I see someone and he is holding a gun instead of a Bible. I will go this way Lieutenant but if I see anything, I will yell.

 He disappeared to his right he is followed by another Officer who disappeared to his left. Which left Lieutenant Bowles standing in the center listening and staring into the dark. He held both a flashlight and a handgun in his right hand. He stepped forward one step after another until he reached that box that fell on the ground. A pile of Bibles fell on the ground. They were no bigger than his hand. He lifted one book that fell to the right but it is wide open. He found the words that Satan will unleash a demon that is many. He cannot be stopped but he cannot be killed because another will return in his place. He is Legion he is like the number that cannot be defined! He cannot be stopped, only in Battle. If he is killed in Battle by another angel. He can and will be resurrected by the evil. He can be killed but another will come in its place. He will stand for a number that does not exist. Hell is filled with Demons that go by the name, Legion. A Human cannot kill an angel from Hell. It can be stopped on a temporary basis, long enough for it to recuperate but it will return.

 Something that resembled feet with toes appeared in a light glow that came from his flashlight. His feet were covered in black hair, his toes look like they we're bleeding. Bowles stepped back he raised his handgun chest high to aim it directly into his face. A tall black male covered in thick black hair that resembled an ape. Raised both arms and growled back like an animal. Lieutenant Bowles started shooting the impact from multiple bullets that knocked him to the ground. I found something '' he yelled. I do not think it is Human. It looks like a caveman of some kind. It is lying on the floor. He yells he heard both Policemen run after hearing him yell besides gunfire.

 Three Policemen remain on the fourth floor, staring down at a hairy beast. A modern caveman from the looks of it. He opened his mouth he exposed four large sharp teeth like a hyena. His eyelids were peeled backward or removed from his face. He looked like he had rat bites over his entire body from head to toe. A thick white liquid poured down from both corners of his mouth. One Officer whispers what is it? It resembles a chia pet? Thick black fingernails drip down from its fingers which made it look awfully dirty like it never baths. They had filthy caked on dirt underneath each and every fingernail, maybe even dried on blood. Damn, look at its feet. It must wear a size 18 if I'm not mistaken. Both Males search the immediate area for another troglodyte or caveman.

 Lieutenant Bowles remained standing over his dead body with a handgun. His torso riddled with bullets, his eyes still faced the ceiling like he stared at the paint that peeled. He turned side way after he heard something in the dark whisper in an almost Prayer like way. When he raised his head. He stared up at a ceiling like it is coming from upstairs on the fifth floor. Officers '' he yelled '' I think we got company on the fifth floor. Do you hear that?

 He stole a glance before he stared back at a caveman like beast. Then, he headed for an entrance. It is still lying on the ground '' he added. I do not think he will be going anywhere with five bullets in his chest. Lieutenant Bowles stopped after his caveman farted or it sounded like it did. He followed both Officers into a hall to search for that thing on the fifth floor that made noises. He stopped again after it stopped making that thumping sound like it dragged dead bodies across the floor. He reached another step but again. He stopped after they heard a child scream. All of a sudden three Police Officers dart upstairs to the fifth floor search for a kidnapper. Chucky Chipps were coming boy! We're coming to save you! They reach the fifth floor after one Officer stumbled on a step and falls. Lieutenant Bowles reaches the top floor entrance first. He aimed his flashlight into the dark in search of that child. He heard screaming down the hall, somewhere in the dark. Something standing 6 feet tall in solid black in a long summer coat with long dark hair stares back. I have seen you before Officer. He whispers but I would like to give you this moment to leave here and now before I am forced to hurt and kill you! Lieutenant Bowles noticed one thing that did not have a weapon or it did not even flinch. He yelled It is too late! Place your hands behind your back tough guy or I will shoot you like your friend downstairs. Three Officers stand in front of him like they we're blocking his escape or like they were ready to subdue him. I will not leave here and neither will you! He snarled back like he is part animal. His right hand slipped into his long black summer coat. He removed a long sword like weapon from his inside his clothing. You have never seen anything like this before on Planet Earth. He pressed a button inward a 4-foot rod like weapon came to life! It is made a metal that only Hell could, Produce! It made a noise before it transformed into a pitchfork 6 feet long. You better drop your weapon on the ground before I shoot you! Fuck you like they say ion Planet Earth! He pressed another button inward. Both dagger like knives shoot from the edge of the pitchfork. It came flying at both Officers that faced the beast! They take both hits one in each head before both Men hit the ground and burst into fire. Lieutenant Bowles watched his Life pass before his eyes. He sees his Wife and Kids before he even attempted to kill a Man that looked more like an actor then a killer. He raised his weapon he aimed for the man's chest and pulled the trigger. It hit him one after another yet that beast would not fall or stumble in either direction! He pressed the button on the radio in the process. I need backup! I need it now! I have a monster in front of me. He is not moving and he is not dying! I shot him 10 times! I hit him with each and every bullet but he is still standing. He released the button on the radio. He slipped another clip into his handgun. Who are you '' he mumbled. Who are you looking for here at the Orphanage? It is time to meet up with your brother! Your dead brother before he took one step forward. He opened fire once again. He tries to unload his clip into his body and head. He stabbed him with a pitchfork in the stomach. My name is Eurynome! My real name is Will. No not God's Will silly. The Devils! I am Satan’s Disciple, Human! That is what they call me! The Prince of every Hell in my god's kingdom! You will find me in the Bible under Legion! I am here looking for a boy who does not know why he is here on Earth! Who would that be after he fell to the floor? He tries to crawl toward the entrance to look for backup. I have come from Hell. And it is a long way from here. I am looking for him! And I am not leaving until I find him dead, in a deep, dark heavy voice. His pitchfork shrunk into flashlight sized weapon right hand. It sailed forward into his chest. He ripped his chest cavity wide open with claw like hands, his blood, flesh and insides scatter everywhere. He stabbed him in the Heart till death '' he whispered, remember!

The sound of footsteps fill the entrance all the way upstairs. Two massive black wings explode from somewhere behind. The angel ripped a hole in a wall by using both hands like claw hammers. It burst into the light right outside a wall and vanishes.

 Police rush up the stairs to the fifth floor. They fill the entire entrance with guns and flashlights. A SWAT Team followed from behind in case, they were outgunned or up against an experienced Assassin. Instead, they find two burned bodies on the ground both dead. Lieutenant Bowles had an expression on his face like he had come face to face with a Devil. A massive hole in a wall on the fifth floor told them whatever it is that it flies.

 One Officer rushed toward the opening in the wall to take a look outside just in case. He does not see anything but he does sense that it is not far that it could be watching from a perch. We're going to need sharpshooters. I want a gun on each and every rooftop within 5000 feet. If I cannot see it through my scope, disregard it. It is too far for me to kill it from here. Yes Captain, I will get right on it. An Officer from SWAT replies before he disappears into a hall to make several calls. Call the Morgue you will need to get the Coroner over here as soon as possible. Tell a Precinct Commander we have three dead Officers. One of them is Lieutenant Bowles. I believe his brother just died did he? I'm not sure but whatever it is. We better get back to finding this thing that is tearing us apart from the inside, out. What do you think were fighting against a giant bat, vampire or something flying around in a pair of homemade wings? I have no idea Mako. I have no idea but when I catch it I will kill it. We better get out of here. I have work to do, besides that, where are the other Cops. Searching Captain, I think they're scattered from here to kingdom come. They're still looking for ghosts on almost every floor! Another voice yells back up at the fifth floor. I found another dead body Capt. I cannot make it out but it looks like something half caveman and man. I'm not sure what it is but I got it in my sights. It looks like it is dead. Burn it, I will not take anything back with us unless it is a dead Cop! At least they got one of them before it escaped Capt '' he added. I better burn it like he says!