I Come From Hell by Dreemerchent - HTML preview

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 Chapter Sixteen Hell’s Prince


 A Team of FBI Agents 10 strong engage the Orphanage. They contact a Commanding Officer at Police Department. Order him to pull his Policemen back from the Orphanage. Tell him that they're taking the case that this is a Federal Investigation from this moment forth. The SWAT Team is also ordered to leave the investigation after they're arrival. They're given 10 minutes from the time that they received this radio call to leave the Orphanage or be held responsible for tampering with a Federal Investigation. Police came running only seconds from a grassy field. Behind multiple trees and abandoned buildings one by one. They reach the Orphanage in seconds everyone except the K-9 Patrol appeared.

 It is almost 4 PM Gentlemen. I need to find that group of killers that have killed before. I need the Orphanage to me and my Men so we can track down that band of murderous killers. This isn't a job for SWAT or Police. It is a job for the FBI '' he replied. Not some make believe FBI but the real Men and Women that serve!

Police gather near the Orphanage, one Agent stopped them. I have reason to believe that we have somehow awakened Eurynome. He is known as a prince of the Hells. Policemen gather around to listen to an agent named Bill Goldblatt. I am here to stop him but first I need to know if he can be stopped! I have a Team of Specialists on hand to help find and track him down. I would like you to remain on hand but I need the entire Property searched for a Nest. I have reason to believe that he is not alone that he has a small army of demons hiding in this Nest with him.

 He is almost six feet tall and has extremely long dark hair. He is awfully powerful Men! I have heard that he carried a pitchfork that threw steel knives that explode once it touched anything solid. It is only as big as a flashlight but it opened from 6 to 8 feet long. What does that mean Agent Goldblatt? He is a prince of Hell. From what I have been told it eats Humans raw. I think he meant the undead, right! If it kills you, it will drag your dead body away to eat it later when it grows hungry It will feed it to its army of demons also known to us as the dead demons in Hell. They're not angels from hell! They're demons which is what is left of angels that were kicked out of Heaven. I have no idea what it meant. We're Policemen Agent Goldblatt. They're unholy angels with power from someplace that I do not even know exists! I do not even know what they really want from us Officer. I do know they're here to kill until they get what they want that much I know for a fact! I just got back from Church. They say there is a Prophecy that has never been fulfilled. They think it is here from the Pitt of Hell to find, destroy someone or something that the Devil ordered them too. Whoever it is they're here to kill him or her. They will not stop until it is done. The Devil will not allow him or his demons back into Hell until it is accomplished. You see Hell is their Domain. Earth is ours where will they go if they do not have anywhere to go. That would be Planet Earth!

 They will create a Nest right here next to ours or underneath our Home. We need to find that Nest or make way for their kind to live among us like, Neighbors. While they kidnap, rape and rob our kind. The Human kind. I say let us find their Home and kill them before it is done to us! We do not know what to look for Agent Goldblatt. We have no idea, whatsoever. When you see him or a demon you will know it is him. They do not wear Suits or Uniforms! They have one purpose in life which is to take orders from the Devil! If I am not mistaken, he does not take live Prisoners. We need to find and stop Eurynome also known as a prince in Hell!

I was going to send you Home back to your Precinct but it is now too late! I have changed my Mind it is now War. Man against beast that roams the dark from the fiery Pitt of Hell. I need everyone to help in the search of Eurynome. He will leave nothing but a trail of corpses. He will feed on to living to live. I found one upstairs. I know it for a fact. I will send his remains to a laboratory to be sure? I want Agents to be accompanied by two Officers each so we can cover more ground. It is almost 4-pm Gentlemen. I say we better find him and his Nest before it is too late.

 Before we lose any more Children or Men. I say find the beast! Make groups of three take the Warehouse which has as many floors like the Orphanage. I want the Orphanage. I will search it with the Agents. We have Children throughout the Orphanage. I make them priority on my list! I place everyone beneath them Sisters, Priests including our self. One way or the other it is our responsibility to watch over them. I say search the grounds before it is too late. If you find anything, we have a radio do not be afraid to use it if you need too.

 Two Officers stuck in a cellar find the ground beneath their feet moving. Small black creatures that look like rats crawl up from a hole in the concrete. Both Police Officers stand in disbelief, staring down at several ''18'' inch creatures in black robes. They're too small to be midgets! They must be demons from the Pitt. Both Officers step toward a hole in the ground no bigger than a metal garbage can in an alley. Father Burke told me the angel Eurynome. That he is as bad as the Devil. He is known as a Devil's Disciple. It says you cannot kill Eurynome! He does kills, it says in the world of Humans! Holy shit what do we have here another Satan! Not quite he is his immediate soldier with rank like an angel. What happens if we find a way to kill him? Will his Father Satan bless us with his presence! I do not think that is what would happen. He would send an army of Hell's Angels into Battle against Humans first to wreak havoc while he waited for anything from above to intervene. Agent Goldblatt if you ask me. I am sure he does so we better do our part so it is not that heavy for him. I do not know if we can kill him but we can try! If we fail maybe it will leave! Because more than likely will be dead as well. A Priest in Church! If you take the Devil on you will never be the same! He will find you eventually And he will kill you and everyone that you’re standing with. We better find Superman Agent Goldblatt or face the consequences. I think we better find what killed the Humans which is what I think. What did or shall I say what you were going to say Agent Goldblatt. My thoughts exactly Officer. Why don't you get started then? I need Agent Purvis to help me in a search of St Williams Orphanage. One Agent yells after he notices someone hanging over the storage building. It looked like that kid Chucky Chipps and a male in black clothes. Give me that scope he raised it high enough to take a closer look at a rooftop. Call the Priest I want him to have a look at this and hurry! One Agent yells at the top of his lungs at a Priest in a window that watches them. A young boy with long dark hair is standing at his side his eyes glow like he's on fire. He held the boy by the back of his coat. If it accidentally ripped that kid will fall five stories to the ground. We cannot catch him either Goldblatt. I think I might go to sneak up behind him. Maybe I can shoot him from the entranceway. I have a funny feeling Purvis that it is not going to last that long. This is the Beast that we have been talking about for the last 20 minutes. I think it is him!

 One Sharpshooter focused on a tall dark figure standing on the edge of the roof. He isn't doing anything captain. I think I can hit him from here. I might miss the child. He might fall to the ground unless I hit him directly in the chest which will force him backward back on the roof. But if he stumbles backward he might let go of the child and he will die for sure. Make your way to the roof with that weapon no matter what happens. I need someone up there. I got it Captain! I will see you from the rooftop. I will let you know what I find or what he leaves behind.

 He rushes across a field toward the warehouse that stored the Orphanage's Stuff. He vanished into a doorway that led to that rooftop to that warehouse. Captain Goldblatt kept an eye on that Being that held that child that they have been looking for since Morning. Billy '' he yelled '' in a deep, dark thick voice. I will be coming for you next! Your future belongs to me! All of a sudden that Child that clung to life falls. Agent Goldblatt watches in horror while that small boy named Chucky Chipps fell from a five story building to the ground. All of a sudden a Male in a cream colored Robe, appeared. He ran across the field underneath the child that fell at enormous rate toward the ground. He grabbed the child in midair only one second before he would otherwise hit the solid earth.

 Both the Male besides small child fall to the ground. Agents rush toward both the Male besides young child in hope that they were both yet alive. Father ' 'Goldblatt yelled '' are you alright after the young boy crawled out from underneath his robe. I think I am just out of breath '' he mumbled. Other than that I think I'm okay. Hurry take him to a Hospital. He might have broken bones or something.

They carry the young boy away in an Officer's Arms. They leave the Male on the ground if only for a minute before he somehow vanished right underneath their noses. We found Chucky Chips! I can erase that part of the investigation. We need that Beast that dropped the kid from the fifth floor in an attempt to kill him. But why, what does he want from St Williams Orphanage. A Sharpshooter shot up the stairs to the rooftop, he made it next. I told you I am here for Billy! I just tossed him over the rooftop's edge like tossing a volleyball over a net. He came flying toward the ground head first his weapon still in his hands. Holy Jesus voices whisper from the background only one second before his head hit solid ground which broke his neck in multiple places. I want Billy! I will keep coming back until I have him! You belong to me it growled in several hard words! Again, he vanished from the rooftop's edge this time Agent Goldblatt changed direction. He replied go get me an automatic weapon. I want a backpack filled with full clips. And I wanted it five minutes ago. His Men rush toward the Vehicle in search of a backpack with ammo. I will come back until I have what belongs to mw! He slipped into a bullet proof vest. He removed his long summer coat. He remained in a dark green suit with a handgun in one hand.

 An Agent rushed off to retrieve an automatic weapon and a backpack for two. I want that building surrounded. I do not want him to escape from this second forth. Keep a close eye on that Beast that killed the Sharpshooter. I want to give him a try before it kills me! I cannot let it escape. Shall I send SWAT up here Agent Goldblatt? I do not think that would make much difference Officer. I think it is here for one reason that Humans themselves would never comprehend. It is here to kill us it is not here to make friends. It is on a Mission from its god and it isn't ours! What is that Agent the Mission or god? Both Officers, I have no idea what it is even doing here, other than to find that kid named Billy. And he has no intentions on taking him to lunch. He probably wants to eat him alive if he is this angel named Eurynome!

Send an Agent into the Orphanage to check on Children and the Nuns. One Agent marched off toward the Orphanage to have a look at Dorms and Children. First, he stepped into the hall. He found Sister Alaida standing in the doorway, peeking. I have one child who believes it is here for him, his name is Billy. I think this is what that Beast named Eurynome came here for Sister. I caught him Praying by his bed. He had both hands resting on his bunk.

 Come on we can talk to him. I am sure he has something to say. He followed the Sister into the Orphanage, down a hall toward his Dorm. Before she reached for the doorknob and turned it to the right. She placed her right hand on the door. She pushed it forward inward toward the Dorm. Billy is kneeling by his bed. He is Praying with his eyes closed. Agent Oslo walked toward his bunk to ask him some questions. Billy, my name is Agent Osbo. I would like to have a word with you. I heard you have nightmares or shall I say bad dreams. I do not know what the difference is other than you wake up scared either way.

 Father Johnns told me an Angel will be coming to stop my bad dreams from happening. I know why he is looking for me. He cannot allow me to live, Agent. I know something that Humans will never know. I see things that will change the way we live. I see the Devil sometimes. He whispers to me in my nightmares. Tell me all of your thoughts of God he whispers. Billy, I want to know everything. It told me he would be coming for me. He will not let me live.

 Father Johnns told me an Angel would come if I only believed. He did not tell me that. He would be coming to kill me Agent. An angel did come except it is not the angel I expected. If Father Johnns told you that then I'm sure he will come to save you from a Beast that hides within your Soul. I heard another voice coming from somewhere. He whispered '' One deep breath is all I need! I never saw his face or him period. I don't know whose side he's on but he sounded like an Angel a good one. Describe this beast to me or this bad angel that you continue to see. He has no skin around his eyes. You can see tiny streaks of blood drip down from his face. His skin is awfully dark in color but it is covered in blister like sores almost over every part of his visible skin. This is the bad one now he follows orders from a pretty angel that commands them. I do not know his name but I remember waking up one morning with his hand reaching for my throat. I could barely breathe after I woke up in my bunk. I gasped for a full breath. He is like the Devil. He has power over demons because they cower to his every command! The other demon has hollow eyes. I cannot see them but they're deep in his head somewhere or how could he see me. He is the one that is covered in a thick coarse black coat of hair. They smell like a house that burned to the ground. I have seen their bodies they're covered in tiny thin streaks of fire that resembled millions of veins. Almost unnoticeable to the naked eye unless you were standing face to face with a magnifying glass. When they die or perish they vanish in a cloud of burnt ash. Since they come from the fiery Pitt of Hell. They're made of whatever Hell made them from. If real Guardians or Angels exist. I hope if you ever need one that one comes. Other than that I believe in my firearm that l got if something searched for me! I do not understand all that talk about angels bad or good. I just shoot to kill. I have to get back to the storage building. I think Agent Goldblatt has an idea on who or what it is that we’re up against. I would have to say. I will see you later Sister. I have work to do. Just before he walked away everyone still in the Orphanage heard a loud scream. It came from somewhere through an air vent?

 Two Police Officers that searched a cellar underneath the Orphanage found a hole in the concrete ground. All of a sudden several massive black sewer rats crawl up from that same hole in the ground squeaking out loud. Both Officers find themselves surrounded by an army of black rats that blocked the entrance which led to the main floor. Jose reached for his handgun. He started to shoot after rats crawled up on tables and water pipes. His partner Carlos Dominguez followed him by withdrawing his weapon too. Both Officers shoot at numerous rats overhead that crawled toward them on radiator pipes. One pipe exploded a steady stream of steam shot into the Cellar. A massive black rat that looked like it could weigh 10 pounds bites his right leg. He screamed as loud as he could but his partner did not see them coming either. All of a sudden the steam blinded them partially but it looked like rats changed into 18-inch people with legs and arms. Dressed in long black robes that dragged behind them like pajamas unless it is a thick coat of black hair.

 Where your radio is ‘‘Jose yelled’’ before another rat bites him. I do not remember where I left it but it is not on my belt. Carlos tries to reload but he felt something bite his leg then his other. Jose felt another bite this time on his shoulder after something fell from a water pipe overhead. It bit his neck in different places over and over again until he started, screaming. Carlos slips on something slimy on the hard surface. He bumped his head on the concrete, his handgun slid several feet away. Jose help me '' he shouted '' help me! I lost my gun it is somewhere on the ground. Something waddled over toward him that looked him in the eye and spits. A tiny bit of what he believed is saliva started burning his skin. This time he started screaming the entire time it dragged him toward a hole in the ground. His partner Jose fell to the ground after he felt multiple bites on both legs. This time he is surrounded by several miniature creatures 18 inches tall in dark clothes and dark hollow but black eyes. They grab him by both his hair and Uniform and start pulling him toward that same hole in the ground. Another bite sent him reaching for another clip seconds before he disappeared with his partner Carlos into the ground filled with black dirt.