The Son Of Odin: The Shadow by Esa Myllylä - HTML preview

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Chapter - Eight


All men rushed to fetch their swords, bows and they occupy their positions and look at each other and wondering what is happening. Erik is alone in his room then he suddenly gets red eyes and sees what is happening with Slimes when he is flying in the clouds. Erik´s veins glow red like Slime does and he starts controlling Slime and dive into the woods and see that Berserk Guard is very close. The soldiers look at Slime and they start shooting arrows at him, but they miss. Erik he controls Slime to King's Village and climb up to the roof through a hatch. Maria who is outside looks at Erik that shining and she is almost in shock. Maria sees that everyone is focused on fire snake and sees how Slime lands on the roof gently and Erik jumps up on the neck, he grabs the split ears and they fly away. Maria takes her hand to her mouth, she want to shout out and a friend sees that Maria is almost breaking out in tears. The friend called Hilda embracing Maria and looks around and takes her into the King's House. There she breaks down and tells her everything about Erik: ”Sven is not the father of Erik, it's Odin” She also tells how she was alone and met Odin one night and they were together and did not think there would be children. Hilda she gets completely shocked and says: "You have to tell Sven about this."

Maria answers: "No, you must not say anything to Sven or any other about this!"

Hilda she sat down on the floor and says: "Ok I will not say anything to anyone, but he will know it sooner or later. Erik is a demigod and that he cannot hide forever!"

Maria replies: "I’ll try to keep secrets as long as I can. I can take Erik away and escape from here."

Hilda says: "It does not solve any problems. But think about it."

Maria replies: "Yes, I'll think about it."

A flash of light lighten up the sky and exploding on fire snake. Erik gets closer to fire snake and see that Shadow is there and killing the soldiers. He looks with Slimes eyes and sees a strange creature that goes quietly. He points at the soldiers with a sword and knock them gently with the sword and it seems that no one sees this creature. All the men who have made contact with the creature die from a strike from Shadow. Slime lands on the ground and Erik then suddenly turns the creature to Erik and rushes towards him. Slime bumping Erik and he fall down on the ground. Slime shoots off his red beam of light towards the creature that eventually goes away towards the woods. The Shadow follows the creature. The soldiers are concentrating at Slime and Erik. Soldiers shoot arrows at them. Erik he takes hold of Slime and jumping up and Slime while flapping its wings hard to arrows flying in all directions. The soldiers take cover to avoid being hit by arrows and Slime lifts up to the air. They fly around and circulate in the air. The soldiers are wondering what it was strange dragon with a little boy. Slime and Erik disappear from there and fly towards the high mountain beyond. The soldiers start to take care of their wounded and dead. Ivar had seen it all and he knew that Erik was with Slime. Suddenly a man comes and takes into Ivar far into the woods and Ivar yells out: "What do you want with me!"

A light appears from the man's body and spreads around him and when the light is gone Ivar sees another man he did not recognize. Ivar he jumps backwards and is really nervous. Ivar yells out: "Who are you and what do you want?"

Ivar retrieve the sword and the man waving his arms so that the sword from Ivor’s hand flies off and lands a little further away.

The man shouts out: “Do not you know who I am?"

Ivar responds with shaky voice: "Who are you?"

The man says: "I am Odin, The one you pray to every night!"

Ivar looks at the man and get big eyes while he goes down on his knees.

Odin says: "I know that you saw the little boy that is with beast!"

Ivar answers nervously: "Yes. It's Erik right?"

Odin answers: "Yes it is Erik. He's My Son."

Ivar was wondering and just had to say something to Odin as he waved his arms and from Ivar’s mouth full with worms. Every time he spits out, there come more worms from the mouth. Odin says: "If you tell someone that you have seen, you will spit worm’s rest of your life!"

Odin waved his hand again. Ivar he vomits out lots of worms. He is on all fours and vomiting out and almost gets no air but in the end he feels that he has vomited clear and gets up and he looks around. Odin is gone without a trace. Ivar takes his sword and begins to walk towards the soldiers.

The soldiers watched Ivar’s that he haves white face and one shouted out: "Ha-ha. You are not a Viking that cannot see blood without vomiting! "

Ivar became angry and struck him with his fist straight in the face and the soldier fell down. The others looked at Ivar with big eyes and showed respect for him. Everyone took their weapons and began to continue walking towards the King's Village.

The King's Village had seen Shadow fought fire serpent was broken but suddenly it become whole again and began to approach the King's Village. The men who saw this became frightened when fire snake came closer. Eventually they hear the horn being blown and the men begin to calm down. Sven comes up in the tower when he recognized the sound of horns blowing and says to Sven: "Is Berserker Guard already here? They should not be here yet? They must have walked fast."

Sven orders to light the extra wood so they can see where to go. Meanwhile, up in the mountain looks Slime and Erik down at the soldiers and how they light the wood that lights up the King's Village. Erik knows how he starts to feel love for Slime and hugs him. Erik looks deep into Slimes eyes and sees another figure who is not Slime. He sees a young girl who is about twice as old as he. Erik backs up and Slime gives out a smile that Erik has not seen before. He wonders what is happening and why they are related. Slime bumping Erik lightly and he caress his head and jumping up on her back. Slime and Erik is more glowing than before. Odin has seen it all from a distance and he is glad that Erik and Slime have found each other. He now knows that Erik's forces are stronger than ever. He asks Hugin and Munin that are the ravens to keep an eye on them. Slime lifts up and stands on back legs and begins to beat his wings and starts to fly. They fly through clouds and Erik he does not freeze because the red veins do not make him get cold. They take a trip to the Shadow Valley and lands on top of a mountain where they see the Shadow and the creature they saw before. The creature looked like a man but is completely white on face, big black eyes and a long skirt that is black. He has a special sword that he recognizes. Erik remembers how the old lady Sigrid told of a creature during combat pointing out which ones to die and take them to the kingdom of death. Erik whispered in Slime ear: "The creature is a Valkyrie named Skogul and seems to interact with a Shadow."

Slime he looks down on them and shows up their sharp teeth. Erik he calms Slime they stepped back and flies away to the King's Village. The shadow turns quickly towards Slime and Erik and shoots a beam of light. Erik he feels that something is not right and draws on Slimes left ear and at the last second turns Slime left and the beam misses them. Erik he turns his head toward the Shadow. The Shadow is lifted from the ground. Skogul he eventually goes away suddenly. The shadow chasing Erik and Slime through the valley where they try to escape the Shadow, but he follows them closely. Erik he turns his head and points to the Shadow. A red smoke comes from Erik's mouth and hits the Shadow that loses air. Shadow spins around and lands into the lake where he goes through the ice. Slime take Erik up in the air where they see the shadow swimming under the ice while ice bursting overhead. Shadow shoots a beam of light that will allow the ice explodes and Shadow comes up while screaming loudly so all the ice explodes. Shadow looks around but does not see them and fly away further into the valley. Erik and Slime is now above the clouds where they are not visible and they land just outside King's Village. Erik says good night to Slime and gives her a hug and strokes on her head. Slime looks at Erik as like she cared about someone and say goodbye. Erik he goes against King's Village and when comes near the gate where Sven is waiting for the soldiers in the tower. He sees that Erik comes and calls out: "Open up the gate. Erik is there outside. What do you do outside wall Erik?"

Erik shouts back: "Can’t I take a piss?" He smiled at Sven.

Sven comes down and meets him at the gate and Sven says: "You know it’s dangerous out there. Promise me you piss on inside the wall next time." And took his hand on Erik's head stroked it.

Erik replies: "Yes, yes, I promise." They both looked at each other and smiled.

Erik went into the house to go sleep where he met his Mother who looks sad and hugs Erik. They say good night to each other and go to bed. Erik was a little confused about his mother, who has been acting strange the last few days. But Erik was so exhausted after all the adventures that he had been through and fell asleep almost instantly.