Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine



Have You Been Abiding

In The Lord’s Will?



When I was called by the Lord to be a prophet, I was in a cursed and abandoned house. I was told by the Holy Spirit to go and pray from that house. When I went there, there was no one living in that house; I prayed from the time I went there in the morning until about 11:30 pm in the evening. I was surprised that I had spent the whole day seated in one place without a meal and yet I was not tired! When it was time for me to leave I saw my car flash its lights and heard it beep. I asked the Lord why my car had beeped! The Lord told me it was time to go home. I have been shown some metaphysical phenomena by the Lord. I am always in awe at how the Lord opens my mouth when I am speaking to people about God. I was a person that was formerly timid. The Lord has given to me the spirit of boldness and oratory to a level that I have never imagined. This all happened at once in that abandoned house. The Lord opened my eyes and I could see in the Spirit; I saw the foundations of the house shake with such great power that I shouted and saw the walls of the house appear to fall on me. I later realised that the walls were still standing and I was not hurt. Why did the Lord show this vision to me? This is what the Lord does when you are being shown the power of the Holy Ghost! I had never seen such a vision before and I have not seen it again. There are people that have been given the gift of vision by the Holy Ghost and yet they are unable to know that they have such a gift. This is why I will never forget my experience in that abandoned house. When I was given this gift by the Holy Ghost, I did not know! I wondered, why is the Lord showing me these things? I would also see some people in the spirit.

A person who has a gift of vision is most often a prophet. A teacher might never receive a vision in their lifetime. A pastor will only receive a vision when he is operating under the anointing of the Spirit of prophecy for the purpose of edifying the church. This only happens at the discretion of the Holy Spirit, and no man can control the gift of vision. At one time, I received a vision where a man’s eyes flashed before me! I was confused and thought it was not something to concern myself with. Have you ever received a vision from the Lord? If yes, then you are a prophet! If no, then you will need to wait for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what His calling upon your life is. A prophet will often start by receiving visions in the night. The first time I received such a vision, it was as clear as though I was awake. The Lord told me that that was when I was given that gift from the Holy Ghost. I did not even know that was a gift of vision until recently! If you often receive dreams in the night, not all these dreams are from the Lord. The Lord will tell you which dreams are from God and which dreams are from the devil. If you have been only relying on dreams to hear the Lord speak, then you need to grow by abiding in obedience to the Lord.

The Lord has been faithful and has nurtured me to maturity in Him. I am now able by the power of the Holy Ghost to discern between divers kinds of spirits that are always deceiving other people. How do these spirits deceive people? If you have started doing the Lord’s will, these spirits will start trying to deceive you to attempt to cause you to abandon doing the Lord’s will. This is what most people find difficult to discern. If you are in the Lord, you are supposed to have the gift of discernment of spirits. This is a gift for all believers regardless of what the Lord has called you to do. If you cannot discern between spirits then you can ask the Lord to give you this gift. If you are unable to receive this gift after asking the Lord for it, then you are not fully in obedience to Him. You need to wait for the Lord to show to you where you are not acting in obedience to Him in your life. If you are in an environment where there are people that are cursed, the Lord will tell you who is cursed and who is not! This used to amaze me to the extent that I asked the Lord; why are you telling me about these people? I was but ignorant about the gifts of the Spirit that the Lord had given to me! If you have been receiving these gifts without your knowledge, thank the Lord more often and He will grow your gifts to nurture you.

There are some gifts that the Lord will give to a person that He is nurturing to enable that person continue in obedience to God. These gifts are called gifts of encouragement. If you have been abiding in the Lord, He will reward you with gifts for your obedience. I have been given a gift I so often thank the Lord for; the gift of cooking. When I cook, I desire to cook even more. At the time God gave me this gift, I asked myself; what for? I already know how to cook! I was amazed at the level of cooking the Lord introduced me to! I cook with the Lord always. If I do not hear the Lord speak, I cannot cook. I have to hear the Lord speak for me to cook! I have to wait for the Lord to choose for me even the type of food to cook to the detail. These are some of the benefits that come with obedience to the Lord. When the Lord called me, I asked the Lord; “what am I going to do the whole day?” The Lord told me “I have a lot of work for you to do that you know not of”. This is what encouraged me to stay longer in the Lord’s presence for His daily agenda. Indeed, there always is a daily agenda in the Lord’s presence. The people that think the Lord is quiet have never experienced the love, joy and peace that comes with being in the presence of the King and daily eating from the King’s own table. I believe it is like no other experience on earth!

Early in my calling, I was able to understand what the Lord was saying but I had never heard any man speak about the depth of what the Lord was teaching me! Some people might think that I have researched books on these topics or used the internet to gather all this knowledge. The truth is that I do not have any research gathered from books or the internet. All that the Lord has told me to write is from His own mouth. This is a gift that all prophets have. They are supposed to chronicle what the Lord says! When I start writing, I can spend the whole day writing all that I hear the Lord speak! It is just as amazing to me as the day the Lord opened my mouth to tell me about mysteries that I had never heard a man speak of before. The person that reads the material in this book, should know that the author is truthfully the Holy Spirit and not a man. If it were a man, then that man would have to be a trained writer to achieve the skill with which I have written this book. This is the reason why I have been given this gift of writing from God; to do the Lord’s will and fulfil the calling for which the Lord has commissioned me.

The Lord has given to me the gift of interpretation of tongues. I received this gift as I was praying in an abandoned house that the Lord told me to go and pray from. At that time, I did not know that the Lord had given me this gift. I am able to interpret divers kinds of tongues as enabled by the Holy Ghost. If you have been speaking in tongues, ask yourself; Are the tongues from the Holy Spirit or are they from the enemy? The enemy can give a believer a gift of tongues! How? If that believer has wilfully refused to obey the Lord, he may receive a gift of tongues from the enemy to deceive him that it is a gift of tongues from the Holy Spirit. When you speak in tongues, you speak mysteries that your mind cannot understand. When you receive a gift of tongues from the enemy, you become unable to touch God. That gift will draw you further away from God. If you speak in tongues, ask the Holy Spirit to interpret what your human spirit is speaking in tongues, you will be surprised at what the Holy Spirit will interpret for you. Most of what many believers call a gift of ‘praying in tongues’ is actually a deceiving spirit enabling that disobedient believer to repeatedly utter blasphemies unto God. If you have a gift of ‘praying in tongues’ from the enemy, ask the Lord to take that gift away from you. There was a time the Lord asked me to stop ‘praying in tongues’. I wondered, why doesn’t the Lord want me to pray in tongues? If I had continued trying to ‘pray in tongues’, I would have uttered blasphemies unto the Lord! How terrible! If you are disobedient to the Lord, do not desire to speak in tongues. Wait for the Lord’s timing. The Lord will give you the gift of interpretation of tongues so that you can understand what other people who ‘speak in tongues’ are uttering. When the Holy Spirit speaks through a person in tongues, a deceiving spirit cannot understand what the Holy Spirit has said to or about that person. A deceiving spirit is going to flee from a place where the Holy Spirit has spoken in tongues. If the person who has been used by the Holy Spirit to speak in tongues has cursed spirits attached to his body or soul, they will flee from that person instantly. They can only come back if that person continues living in disobedience to the Lord. When that person obeys the Lord, the cursed spirits have no more legal ground to oppress him. A person that has been freed from cursed spirits has to live a life of obedience to the Lord so that cursed spirits do not intensify their wickedness towards that person. Let us study at what scripture teaches us about unclean spirits from the gospel of Matthew.

Matthew 12:43  When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 

Matthew 12:44  Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 

Matthew 12:45  Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation. 

When an unclean spirit is in a man, it oppresses him until he begins living in obedience to the Lord. If that man continues living in disobedience to the Lord, he will attract a plethora of unclean spirits which will bring cursed spirits more wicked than the previous to cause a person to be oppressed beyond measure. This is the state of many people who are constantly in disobedience to God. What then is the correct way of handling cursed spirits; are they cast out of a person or do they leave after a person has started abiding in obedience to the Lord? The cursed spirits that are able to be cast out of a person are either foul spirits or unclean spirits also called demons. Ancestors are the cursed spirits leave with obedience to the Lord. A foul spirit or demon is a spirit that enters the body and becomes a part of that person’s way of life. If a person learns that his body is a habitation of demons, that person can ask a minister to cast out that spirit in the name of Jesus! However, if that cursed spirit is not attached to the body, and it is attached to the soul; in this scenario, a minister cannot cast away that cursed spirit in the name of Jesus. The affected person will have to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in obedience to the Lord so that the cursed spirit will eventually flee. The cursed spirit that attaches itself to the body is usually the easiest to cast out in the name of Jesus. If a person has evil spirits, they cannot be cast out; they attach themselves to the soul to oppress a person who is disobedient to the Lord. This is why many ministers are not able to understand why some cursed spirits will not leave! I have witnessed many people who are vexed by cursed spirits and that have tried to go to deliverance ministers for relief but in vain. Their only relief is to abide in obedience to the Lord for these cursed spirits to detach themselves from their souls. The people that have cursed spirits are the ones that find themselves in places that have cursed people. These cursed spirits are able to deceive these people to go to these places. If a person is always in an area that has cursed people, he will think like them. If that person changes environment, he will often be free from those cursed spirits. If you are living in an environment that has people who go to; cults, casinos, shrines, cultural sites, bars, brothels, magic shows, circus halls, funfairs, disco halls, cinema halls, opera halls, theatre halls, martial arts arenas, wrestling arenas, boxing arenas, golf courses, football stadiums, markets, hospitals, cemeteries, museums, archaeological sites, crossroads, forests, haunted houses and ghettos among many others.

These places are always filled with cursed spirits to entrap believers who are not in the Lord’s will. The people who are in the Lord’s will should always ensure that they are not in such places. When a person who is in the Lord’s will goes to such places, he loses some entitlements that he has received from the Lord. All believers have entitlements that are received from the Lord as a result of obedience. If a believer goes to cursed places, they are prone to get attacked by the enemy. When you, a believer, goes to a cursed place, you are breaking the hedge that surrounds you and protects you from the enemy. If you thought that you have to pray so that the Lord can protect you from the enemy, you were deceived; you receive the Lord’s protection as an entitlement as a citizen of the kingdom of God. If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom, you are entitled to certain privileges that differentiate you from citizens of other nations in the world. It is the same with the kingdom of God. If you are always being attacked by cursed spirits, it is time to change your lifestyle and start living like a Spirit filled person. How does a Spirit filled person live? This is a lifestyle that every believer has been called to. If you have never understood what a born again person is, it is the time to understand what the Lord calls a born again person. This is a person who knows the difference between when they were living in the world and when they came to the Lord. The scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:17; “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. 

When you come to the Lord, there is a change in your life. Your human spirit is awakened by the Holy Spirit and your mind is transformed by the gradual working of the Holy Spirit in your life. The person who has been born again for long, is supposed to be a mature believer. A believer that has been born again for a shorter period of time is still young. The growth of a person from a young to a mature believer takes time, it is a process that usually depends on the believer’s cooperation with the Holy Spirit. If that believer is in an environment that is full of cursed people, the Holy Spirit will tell that believer to leave that environment. If that believer obeys, the Holy Spirit will advance that believer to another level in maturity. If that believer disobeys the Lord, he will stagnate. If you have been told by the Lord, to leave a place, do not think that the Lord is inconsiderate. I was told by the Lord to stop working at a time when I needed money. I was afraid, however, I had to abide in obedience to the Lord. If you find yourself in such a situation, the best advice I can give you is that you should trust the Lord and lean not on your own understanding.