Prophetic Encounters In God: Finding God In Christ by Maurice Paul Obonyo - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten



Are You Willing To Change?



The day I was told by the Lord that I was a prophet, I was unable to understand what a prophetic call was. I was not ready to be a prophet. I asked the Lord; what am I going to do the whole day? I was unaware that the Lord already knew my likes and desires. The Lord told me to go to an abandoned house to pray. When I reached there, I was able to see in the Spirit and saw the walls of the house fall on me. This is what I was perceiving in the physical. I did not know that I was being given a vision. I had always thought that I was not going to ever have such visions. If you are a believer who is in the Lord’s will, you will get surprised at what the Lord can do when you put your trust in him. The Lord will lead you to start on a journey that you have never embarked on before. If you think that you are a mature believer and that you know who the Lord is and what the Lord can do already, you should understand that the Lord is all knowledge and all wisdom. You can never know what the Lord is going to do. For instance, if you see a beautiful house and ask yourself; who is the architect? Who is the builder? Who is the owner? Who is the landlord? These are questions that you, who is on earth should ask yourself about the Lord; who is the architect, the builder, the owner and the landlord of this beautiful universe. I have a calling from the owner of this beautiful universe. It is a privilege to be in the service of the King of kings. If you thought that the Lord is going to lead you to a miserable ending, think again. The Lord will not call you to shame you! He is a wonderful God. If you have been in the Lord, it is time for a fresh experience with Him.

I used to think that the Lord was quiet until He opened my mouth to hear Him speak! I was in awe at how much the Lord speaks, all the time and just about everything! If you have been encouraged by this book, then you are a candidate for a fresh experience in the Lord. The Lord has given to believers in Him everything that they need to have a fresh experience with Him on a daily basis! This is what a relationship is. If your relationship with the Lord is dull; then you too need a fresh experience with Him! This will happen to you who trusts in the Lord. I have heard of people that have been asking the Lord for blessings from God. The Lord is not going to bless people that are not doing His will. If you are not blessed, know for sure, that you are not doing the Lord’s will. A blessing is the Lord’s underserved favour upon your life! You cannot tell the Lord how to bless you; that is a lack of understanding in the things of God. If you want to tap into the blessings of God, you need to live a life pleasing to the Lord. I used to assume that I needed to ask the Lord for everything, and that if I did not ask, I might not receive! A believer who is abiding in the Lord’s will is already pleasing to Him and will receive blessings from God. The Lord will bless you abundantly when you start doing His will. What are the blessings of God? Have you ever been blessed? Are you always seeking a blessing from God? The Lord has blessed me with wealth. Wealth is a blessing that all people desire to have. I have a lot of blessings that I have received from the Lord as a result of obedience.

Another blessing that the Lord has given me is health. I have not swallowed a pill for over 2 years now. The last time I fell sick, the Lord told me; “do not take any medication, you will become stronger”. I obeyed and indeed I was healed and became stronger. I was ill for three days and I lay on my bed continuously for a full day, a condition I had never been through before. I was vomiting, weak and lacked appetite for food. I was only taking orange juice and ate slowly until I recovered. If it were you; would it seem like madness? I was being encouraged to go to the hospital by the people around me but I could not! I had heard the Lord speak and confirm what He had spoken! “Do not take any medication, you will become stronger”. If you want to start obeying the Lord, the benefits of your obedience will definitely come. They are the ones the Lord calls blessings and they need not be sought for, the Lord blesses at His own discretion. The Lord has blessed people who have almost never asked Him for such blessings. Moses was able to lead Israel in his 80’s! He was already 80 years old when the Lord called him. If you thought he was weak, then you need to understand that he led Israel in the wilderness with almost no water for 40 years, fasted 40 days, wrote the books of the Torah, wrote and taught the Israelites the law of God. He walked with God until he was 120 years old. Moses was blessed with the gift of health. He was never sick during the time he walked with God. A man who has God, will not succumb to maladies. This truth is what the Lord has confirmed to me before. I had a deep cut on my left hand that was as a result of an attack from the enemy upon my life! I was in the hospital for stitches on my left hand and on my head and the Lord told me; “Get out of this place”. I waited for the Lord to confirm what He had spoken.

When I heard the Lord speak again, I immediately left the hospital and went back home. At home, the Lord told me not to go back to the hospital for anything. I realised the stitches were not sufficient for me to heal, I needed antibiotics and pain killers which I had not even received from the hospital and constant dressing of the wounds. I was told by the Lord that I did not need anything else but to trust Him. The Lord told me I only needed water and salt! He taught me how to remove the stitches on my head and left hand at the proper time with water and salt, I made a full recovery in days and could use my hand again shortly after. This is what the Lord can do. I do not have a medical background, I just did what the Lord told me to do, and was healed! Have you ever been healed by the Lord? If you have ever been healed, how did it happen? If you were healed by the Lord, would you need to go to the hospital to recover? A healthy man is a person who is 100% living according to the Lord’s will. A healthy person is not going to depend on drugs for healing nor on cursed spirits for medication. Cursed spirits are the ones that are responsible for all of the drugs that most people pick up from pharmacies. If you want to live according to the Lord’s will, go and ask the Lord to confirm to you what you are reading in this book. I have never swallowed a pill in over 2 years. This is the Lord’s will for me. If you are able to trust the Lord, it is the Lord’s will for you to ask Him for guidance.

A drug called cocaine is responsible for many of the drugs that people take on a daily basis. Cocaine has a high ability to relieve pain to the extent that many of the drugs that come out of the pharmaceutical industry contain cocaine! Cocaine is a cursed spirit that was in heaven with the Father before the Father cast him down to earth! Cocaine is a cursed spirit that is categorised as a fallen angel. Another cursed spirit that is in this category is marijuana. This drug has a lot of medical benefits to the extent that it is legal for people to smoke it in many countries. It has an ability to lead people into a state of spiritual trances and enable them contact the dead; it is a pathway to necromancy. This is why the people who call Rastafarians normal people are lacking in knowledge! Rastafarians are condemned people that are directly involved in the worship of fallen angels. How then will we live without drugs? You have to understand that it is possible. If you swallow a drug, you need to know that it is that cursed spirit that you have swallowed that will cause you problems later. A drug like cocaine will leave its traits on a person who uses it. It will eventually lead that person to a mentally unstable state. A person that has ever used cocaine will live a life of misery on earth unless he repents. This cursed spirit is a condemned spirit. A condemned spirit is a cursed spirit that cannot stay on earth without blood being shed; ask yourself this question; why is cocaine grown in poor places yet the crop is so expensive? It is because this condemned spirit has to stay in a physical form from a metaphysical world. Without blood being shed for a condemned spirit like cocaine, it cannot stay on earth! The more blood that is shed for cocaine, the more time it has on earth. It is the people on earth who give a cursed spirit like cocaine all its power by doing the enemy’s will. Condemned spirits like cocaine were brought to earth from the world under the waters, this is a spiritual world that is condemned. Every spirit in that world is condemned by the Lord. They are only waiting for their time to go to the lake of fire. At the time this spirit was brought to earth, it was in a spiritual state, without a body. For it to retain its physical nature, it needs blood at all times.

Drugs that contain cocaine in it will leave the same traits on a person who uses it as if that person was using cocaine directly. This is what most people do not know. If you use a narcotic, you are just like a person who is legally using a soporific inducer. These soporific inducers are what we commonly call sleeping pills. The amount of sleeping pills that a person swallows will eventually lead that person to a mentally unstable state. This is what happens in developed countries like the United Kingdom. A mentally unstable person must also be given other soporific inducers that have a higher concentration of cocaine to make them rest! This is the type of peace the world receives from the enemy! It lasts but for a while. For a believer, you are not of the world, and need not embrace the peace that the devil offers. The Lord is the Great Physician! He is able to heal you. Do not involve yourself in doing the enemy’s will.