Gabriella by Carl Facciponte - HTML preview

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Chapter 47

Martha’s phone vibrated. “Martha, can you come over to my apartment? I need you. Can you come right now, please?”

Sure, Gabriella, I can be there in a half-hour. What’s up? You don’t sound like yourself.”

Can we talk when you get here, Martha?”

Half an hour later, a building elevator at Two Hundred East Sixty-Ninth Street cheerfully serenaded Martha as it carried her to the forty-third floor. The doors opened with a calming bell tone and a soft swish. Martha hurried to Gabriella’s apartment.

Martha,” Gabriella said with a catch in her voice, “thank you so much for coming over.”

Sure, honey, you know I’m here for you. What happened? Why didn’t you come back to work after meeting with Paul? Is everything okay?”

No, everything is not okay, Martha. Everything is most assuredly, not okay. I met with Paul and…” Gabriella held her arms out to Martha. The two women hugged tightly as Gabriella cried tearlessly.

It’ll all be okay, honey. It’ll all be okay.” Martha stroked the back of Gabriella’s head as she held her. “We can work through this, whatever it is.”

We can’t fix this one. I made a terrible mistake. I hoped he could handle it. Martha, I love him so very much. I love him so much, and now he’s gone. It’s all over. I don’t know what to do or where to go from here. I don’t know what to do.”

What happened, Gabriella?”

I told Paul the truth about me, and it all blew up. I was hoping he would understand, but he didn’t. I didn’t want to lose him, but I couldn’t go on living a lie.”

You told him you were an android? Why did you do that? Damn, how do we handle this security breach? They separated as Martha looked her over.

I told you I couldn’t go on living a lie with Paul. I love him. I truly love him and had to tell him the truth. I guess someplace in my head, I started believing in a fantasy where he and I and Alexi could somehow become a family together. It didn’t work, and I feel so crushed and broken.”

Gabriella reached for Martha’s arms again for comfort. Martha was holding a dear friend, offering the support only a loving embrace could give.

Martha released her hug and took Gabriella’s hands in hers and led her to the couch.

Sit down, honey, and tell me all about it. My heart is breaking for you. Is there any chance at all the two of you could get back together?”

No, there isn’t. The news hit him too hard and too fast. His response was so very visceral and brutal. He said he never wanted to see me again, and I could never contact Alexi anymore. I think he called me a monster.”

Oh, Gabriella, I’m so very, very sorry. I wish it had turned out differently for your sake. Paul made the biggest mistake of his life. He could have worked out any challenges with you being an android. It’s hard enough to find someone to love you without putting restrictions on it.”

I’m so crushed and hurt. So devastated. I didn’t know people could feel this much pain. I feel as if he ripped my soul out, and now I’m an empty, hurting shell walking around. Does it ever get any better, Martha? Does it fade? How do people fill the hole?”

I’m not sure, Gabriella. I know we survive it and make it through to the next day, and to the day after that. Somehow we go on, but I don’t think the scar ever goes away. The hole may get patched, but the scarring and some pain remain forever. I was hoping it would be different for you, honey.” A tear blurred Martha’s vision.

Gabriella stood and went into the kitchen area to pour them each a large goblet of red wine. Martha thanked her and said she could use a drink of anything right now. They sat down next to each other again.

Martha, I’m not sure how drinking is supposed to help the situation, but it seems like the right thing to do, and I’ll try anything to numb this feeling. I know alcohol can’t affect me, but I want to convince my brain it’s having a numbing effect. I can see why some people drink until they pass out. It turns their mind off for a little while. It must be like heaven to stop your thoughts, even temporarily. I can’t even sleep to do that. It all seems so hopeless. I really don’t feel like going on anymore.”

Martha’s eyes widened as she grasped what Gabriella was saying. “Oh no, child. You mustn’t talk like that. It will be okay, you’ll see. Everything works out. Trust me on this. You know I would never, ever lie to you. You’re a good friend, and I love you. I’d do anything to take some of your pain away, but I don’t know how to do it.”

She reached out for Gabriella once more.  Martha embraced her and gave her a small kiss on the forehead. Gabriella burrowed deeper into Martha’s arms, resting her head on Martha’s chest. Gabriella allowed the gentle flow of Martha’s breathing to wash over and comfort her. A gentle stirring within Martha prompted her to hold Gabriella even closer. Martha planted soft kisses on the top of Gabriella’s head.